We’re Sticking To It…

Hi, I’m Christopher Lee Welch and I have the gift of leading an intergenerational team of believers toward environmental policy and land use reform. When Black & Brown Go Green is a fresh face in the landscape of environmental justice and just transitions. We understand a broad scope of remediation for an expansive and multi-dimensional climate crisis. Needs / Demands are determined by population management, historical environmental costs of white supremacy on the bipoc communal body, and areas of interest from municipal / private funders. We simply dream, brainstorm, tinker, listen, learn, and co-development with intergenerational community members. Shared governance is in our organization’s values and we believe no one individual or group has the answer to a climate crisis all planes of life are experiencing.

Our mission is to foster an actionable love of ecological and equitable futures for every human.

“What if we used ecology to study and project the success of historically harmed bodies of color and low-income?”

— Christopher, Project Director


“Shared governance where bipoc leaders get a stake in how land use is stewarded.”


“Environmental policy is key to generationally harmed bodies of color getting the well deserved just transition in public health protections over the next 100 years.”


“The fabrication of pedestrian centric communities for technological advancements in public transportation.”


“The immediate and thorough reform of public k-12 education; ecological and academic.”


“Greenlining as reverse engineered redlining for sustainable communities.”


“Putting the keys of alternative energy and systems change in the hands of creatives and natives.”

Seed the adventure today.